After Nutcracker we went in full swing into our Winter Audition Preparation Workshop. Students from all over San Diego attended our Winter Intensive Program to improve and prepare themselves for Summer Intensive and Collegiate auditions and they did quite well. The 12 dancers who attended were accepted to over 15 intensive programs!
Almost immediately after that we went right into our 4th annual American Girl Fashion auditions and rehearsals for Scripps Ballet Theatre's performances at the Fashion and for Ballet in The Box, at the Vincent Paul Black Box.
The Fashion went off beautifully with over 100 local girls as models, and we were pleased to continue supporting Isabella's Giraffe Club and UCSD's Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit.
Scripps Ballet Theatre performed excerpts from the upcoming Ballet in the Box performances as well as pieces from Les Rendez-vous.
In late March, Scripps Ballet Theatre presented Myrtha and the Willis from Act II of Giselle, an original version of Le Papillon and a contemporary program featuring everything from Modern to Contemporary ballet. The performance was well received for two weekends in a row and the dancers definitely grew from the experience.
April 21 & 22, 28 & 29, our Musical Theatre department presented Disney's Aladdin Jr., with a cast of actors, singers and dancers ranging in age from 16 to just 6 years old! all should be up to speed now! We're currently working on preparing our All-School Performance of Over the Rainbow, SBT's Ballet Does the Rat Pack and the Tap department's, Peter Pan AND registering students for our wonderful array of Summer programming including, Summer Musical Theatre and Dance camps and our competitive Summer Intensive program!